June 3, 2021
Writing Exercise: Deafening Sound for a Character #Scene #amwriting

In this video, I will go over a writing exercise that leads my character to a new scene that may be in my book. He gets to hear a new sound and reacts to it. While learning this new sound he sees magic and how it can be used to battle with.

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May 31, 2021
Work in Progress: Federal Magic of Investigation, Time Traveling Presidents, & Countess of Disguise

I really enjoy creating these videos and using my new editor, Mixcraft 9. Thanks to HumbleBundle.com I got this sweet editor for 30 dollars and some sounds! Happy Memorial Day! This day is very hard for me every year because of my father’s passing in 2000. Please enjoy this day if you can. Below is […]

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May 29, 2021
Starting to Vlog!

I made my first vlog video. This is my first video. I know, I am hashing out some things. I need a background so that you can’t see my mess :). I also need to keep my voice from getting louder and try to look at the audience more than I did in this video. […]

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April 12, 2021
Writing Prompt 4/12/2021 #writingprompt #getjuicesflowing

Shane flew down to the field to check for the runner. He used his slow motion view to find him running outside the barn. He flew down and landed in front of him. “You need to stop there!”“You will never catch me, Shane!” the bad guy said. “I will end your life if you keep […]

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February 16, 2021
For My Fancy Sea

Roses are red,Violets are blue,My piece is fancy,And so are you. Orchids are white,Ghost ones are rare,List is long,And so is your hair. Magnolia grows,With buds like eggs,Cells are smooth,And so are your legs. Sunflowers reach,Up to the skies,A day is warm,And so are your eyes.  Foxgloves in hedges,Surround the farms,My haven is safe,And so […]

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February 15, 2021
Snow days are tiresome

Snow days are so draining. You hope for a couple throughout the year, but by the end of two weeks of snow days it’s something you to be away with. I have written the bare minimum this two weeks. The short story Gemini & the Cancer is half way written. I’m in the middle of […]

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February 11, 2021
Quest Decks for Writing

A couple of days I talked about tools used for writing. I am writing a LitRPG book. The title is Samantha Blare and Dalxion Online. This book hit me when I read a few LitRPG books. Siphon: A Fantasy LitRPG Saga: by Jay Boyce. If you have read none of her books yet. I highly […]

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February 8, 2021
Writing Tools

This has been an interesting week. We have had snow days the last few days. It has allowed me to catch up on some writing. I have over half of the short story Gemini & the Cancer written. I look forward to edits and putting out my newsletter. I have found a few sites useful […]

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February 7, 2021
Learning Hashtags

I found out that I wasn’t using hashtags for when I did my social posts. So thanks to Author Elaine L. Orr. I know have a copy of 500+ Hashtags for Writers. That’s the writer’s life, failure and more failure.#amwriting #BlogPost #WritersBlog #Writinglife #Writersproblems #Writing #Writerslife #tryingagain

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February 6, 2021
Cover for Gemini & the Cancer

I designed the cover for the short story that I am writing for my February newsletter. If you haven’t already, please subscribe to my newsletter at my website. https://wamccauley.com I will have the newsletter out as soon as I finish the story and have it edited. Thank you for being so patient.

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